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Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes Tryon 11/15/07
ZBA Hearing Minutes

Date:  11/15/07
Hearing: Tryon – 120 New Marlboro Rd
Hearing began at: 5:25pm.
Members Present:  Cynthia Weber Chair, Fred Chapman, Robert Lazzarini, Dean Amidon and Susan Cooper (Alternate)
Also Present: Richard and Barbara Tryon and Roger Tryon

The hearing began with Cynthia Weber, Chair, explaining the hearing process, and then Fred Chapman (acting clerk), reading the legal notice and letters from the Planning Board, Conservation Commission, and Board of Health.

It was noted that the #120 New Marlboro Rd is not listed in the Assessor records and it’s not clear if a 911 number was applied for with the Highway Department.  However, the Map and Lot numbers on the application papers as well as the Book and Page numbers of the Registry of Deeds are identical with the Assessor’s records.  Furthermore, Mrs. Tryon testified that 120 New Marlboro Rd is the correct address for the subject property.

Cynthia Weber stated that the need for this hearing was due to an application and abutter notification error in the first application (case #07-09) for a special permit that was granted.  It was verified that, for the present hearing, all parties were properly notified and the correct addresses were supplied on the filing papers.  A motion was made to approve the current application under Section C of the Monterey Bylaws rather than B.  The Special Permit was granted unanimously under the terms of paragraph C of the Monterey Zoning Bylaws.

The hearing concluded at 5:34pm
Submitted by
Melissa Noe
Inter-Departmental Secretary